Australian Pork Limited

Research and Development Portal


Expressions of Interest Now Closed

APL are calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for research, innovation or demonstration projects that will help achieve the following industry deliverables:

  • Innovations to improve farm and processing profitability and reduce cost of production.
  • Address endemic diseases and emerging threats.
  • Demonstrate good anti-microbial stewardship.
  • Develop and demonstrate commercially-viable, innovative housing, husbandry and supply chain systems with a focus on animal welfare, biosecurity and environmental management.
  • Identify and develop opportunities to enhance the eating experience of pork.
  • Demonstrate and/or apply artificial intelligence and related technologies.
  • Develop tools and methodologies to demonstrate/understand industry credentials on environmental management and biodiversity.

EOI’s are to be submitted on the EOI Form to For a copy of the EOI Form or further information please email

Connecting researchers and experts with industry

APL invests and manages producer levies and matching government R&D funds in projects across a wide range of disciplines. APL implements the Pork National R,D&E Strategy to enhance the adoption of research outcomes or products by industry. This is delivered by a robust R,D&E process, and increased collaboration between R,D&E stakeholders including industry (including cross-sector), universities, consultants and government (State and Federal jurisdictions).

APL also manages scholarship programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students and training initiatives for the industry. Collaborative investment opportunities that address pork industry R&D priorities are also actively sought to further leverage APL R&D funds.

Register or log in to:

  • Submit and manage Project Applications
  • View and manage your in-progress Projects
  • Review Project Applications referred to you


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